Hi Frostbitten Friends:
The Barker’s (Southern Style) wish you all the top of the season and invite you to partake of a brief memorabilia of the Floridian Barkers in 1971.
At the outset let us once again observe that the passage of time since the last letter seems less than the one before. Why it seems that the Santa suite used by a certain party (whose natural padding seem to be gaining on the mock contrivance of the past) to play the jolly gnome before Joyce’s kindergarten was just put away, and behold, once again we are looking for the boots, the belt, false eye lashes and whiskers. Oh, and let’s not forget the contact cement and rope so the whole round illusion does not completely disintegrate before the wide-eyed little urchins. However, it must be confessed that the illusion conjured up by a pudgy fist filled with pulverized candy canes (so rendered when “Santa came afoul of his stomach enhancement rope and plunged a size 10-1/2 D heavily upon his sack of goodies) is hardly an improvement.
But enough trivia. This year, in general, was good to us as we pursued the myriads of activities in which we seem to become involved. Since the Barker grandparents and Joyce’s mother were able to visit, we attempted no trip north this summer; beside, the possibility of completing a round trip in the vehicular conveyance then available was purely academic.
Karen’s activities have been centered in the senior Girls Scouts and in the church youth group; the latter getting a needed shot in the arm by an interim minister and his wife. The group culminated their activities with a four day canoe (foldboat) trip down the Suwannee River. During the summer we also went (groan) college hunting. Georgia Southern and Valdosta State College are high on the list. I was most impressed with the curricula, facilities and personnel of each school.
Bruce, along with the youth group activities, has been also active in Boy Scouts where he was recently appointed Junior Assistant Scout Master. He is also closing in on his Eagle Scout Award. There is no question about him making it, but considerable question if the folks will. Along with all this, Bruce took a brief stint as a cook at Hardees hamburger “joint”. Since this job sometimes ran until 2AM, there became an obvious conflict with our academic objectives, i.e.passing!
Furthermore the “old” man could not cut the hours. Least I forget (and I am painfully reminded each day), he got his license this year.
In-spite of all her efforts, Diane is becoming quite a young lady. She is still active in the band, Girl Scouts and any conversations that might be going on. As with Bruce and George, she is a member of the Holiday Hill swim team, which provided all of us an exciting summer.
George? Well he was active! He enjoys sport and did admirably in Gra-Y football this year. He is probably more excited than anyone that we are going to Connecticut this year for Christmas (Oh, I forgot to tell you) We figured as long as we have a new car (forgot that too) that we might as well. We hope to see many of you; but, if not, the best for the new year.
P.S Plan to be in CT Dec 20 – 29