Sunday September 5, 1954 – Bridgeport Post
Ceremony Solemnized At 4PM Yesterday Afternoon Followed by a Home Reception, Couple to Reside in Waltham Mass.
The Altar vases in Christ Episcopal church, Tashua, were filled with white gladiolus and chrysanthemums, and the chancel was banked with cibodium fern and cornucopia baskets full of white blossoms, and the pews were marked with white pompons, when Ms Margaret Wheeler Edwards was married yesterday afternoon to Lieut. Robert Frank Vandell. The 4 o Clock ceremony was solemnized by the Rev. George Davidson uniting the daughter of Charles A. Edwards of Madison Rd., Long Hill, and the late Gertrude Wheeler Edwards to the son Mr and Mrs Frank R. Vandell of Malverne, L.I.
For a half hour before service, Fredric Smithson played a program of organ music, offering The Bridal Chorus from Lohengrin as the bride entered the church on the arm of her father, who gave her in marriage.
Her gown of ivory taffeta, appliqued in Alencon lace and perils in a flower motif, was designed in a off-shoulder neckline on an illusion yoke. The short sleeves were made of scalloped edges, and the princesses skirt flared into a chapel sweep. She wore long taffeta mitts, and a silk illusion veil which cascaded to her fingertips from a sweetheart cap of matching taffeta. She carried a spray of stephanotis.
The brides three attendants were gowned alike in blue crystallette fashioned off-shoulder mode with cape-like jackets. Miss Nancy Reed of Rye N.Y served as maid of honor, and Miss Martha Warren of Fairfield and Miss Mary Stagg of Faifield served as brides maid. They wore velvet hats of a dusty pink shade, and carried bouquets of roses and blue delphinium.
John Kahne of Lynnbrook N.Y. was Lieut Vandell’s best man and his ushers were his brother, William Vandell of Malverne N.Y. and Ransom W. Edwards, brother of the bride.
The reception in the Edwards home followed the ceremony, and in the early evening, Lieut. Vandell and his bride departed on their wedding trip. After September 20th they will make their home in Waltham Mass.
The bride is a graduate of Ethel Walker school, Simsbury and Vassar college, Poughkeepsie, N.Y.
Lieut. Vandell received a BS degree in Industrial Administration from Yale university and an MBA from Harvard Graduate school. He was a member of the faculty of Harvard business school prior to entering service in November 1952.