Deaconess – Sarah Kirtland Barker – Obituary

August 28, 1859 to September 28, 1944

Sarah Barker

Sarah Kirtland Barker
08-28-1859 to 09-28-1944

Deaconess Sarah Kirtland Barker died in Newtown Connecticut on September, 28 1944, following a long illness. She was in her 86th year. The funeral service was held in Trinity Church, Bridgeport CT on September 30th, the Rev. Joseph A. Racioppi, officiating. She was a graduate of the New York Training School for Deaconesses, and served on the staff of the Grace Church in New York for 20 years, becoming Deaconess Emeritus in 1916. Her niece sent the following poem, written by Deaconess Sarah Barker and published in the Churchman in April 1931.

Grace Churc New Yorl where Sarah worked for 20 years

Father, the years they pass slowly now,
The days are often drear;
My Spirit waits thy call with joy,
Without a doubt or fear.

I long to see the mansions fair,
Within the house above:
How beautiful that life will be,
All light and peace and love,

I miss the dear ones gone before
To join the heavenly throng;
I long to clasp their hands again
And join them in song.

Father, the light of thy great love
Illuminates the way;
Support us through the darksome night
Until the radiant day.

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