(Rev) Richard Edwards: b 1590 d. 1625
Married: Anne …..
Note: Examination of the Stephney register disclosed that Anne Edwards was the widow of Richard Edwards and that they had been residents of Ratcliffe in Stepney but but a few years and it was necessary to seek further for the earlier record of the family of Richard and Anne. This was found in the neighboring parish of St. Botolph’s Aldgate, and the following records identified tham as the parents of the New England emigrant:-
- Anne Edwards, daughter of Richard, babtized at the the house of Henry Munter, cooper, July 30 (1615).
- William Edwards, son of Richard Edwards, minister* and Anne his wife, baptized Sunday, Novembver 1, (1618).
Follow the baptism of the son in 1618 it appears that the Rev. Richard Edwards removed at some unknown date, shortly after to Ratcliffe, parish of Stepney, where he is found in 1621 as Master of a local free school in that hamlet, founded in 1540 by Nicholas Gibson, Sheriff of London. During his service there he had the following children baptized as recorded in the register of St Dunstan’s:-
- John, son of Richard Edwards of Ratcliffe, schoolmr and Anne his wife, baptized Oct 7 (1621). What happened to John – did he follow his brother William to America?
- Sarah, daughter of Richard Edwardsm school-maister and his wife, baptized June 29 (1623).
No further baptisms are recorded to him or his wife in that parish, but in 1625 one of the great epidemics of the plague swepth over London ad its environs and in the parish of Stepney alone in a few months 2978 are recorded as victims of this scourge. The pages of the parish register are filled with the names of those dying by dozens. Among these was the husband and father of the Edwards family whose death is recorded as follows in the burial regisater:-
Richard Edwards schoolmaister of Ratcliffe freeschool the same day (August 31, 1625).
First Generation
- William Edwards 1618 – 1680
- Agnes Spencer 1604 – 1680 – widow of William Spencer, who was also one of the early settlers of Hartford, about 1645.
Children of William and Agnes only one:
Richard born May 1647 who was married twice:
Spouse(1): Elizabeth Tuthill(Tuttle), daughter of William Tuthill of New Haven November 19,1667.
(2)Mary born 1668 – no trace of her
(3)Timothy born May 14, 1669
Only 1 son (19)Jonathan Oct 5, 1703
(4)Abigail born 1671
(5)Elizabeth born 1675
(6)Ann born 1678
(7)Mabel bap Dec 13, 1685
(8) Child – unnamed
Spouse(2) Mary Talcott (1661 – 1723), daughter of Lieutenant-Colonel John Talcott, of Hartford by his first wife, Helena Wsakeman daughter of Rev John Wakeman.
(9)Jonathan Edwards Jan 20, 1693 – 1693
(10)John Edwards Feb 24, 1694 – 1769
son (54) Richard born Oct 26, 1723
son (9) John – records just say he died early?
(11)Hannah Edwards Jan 3,1696 – 1747
(12)Richard Edwards Jan 5, 1698 – 1701
(13)Daniel Edwards April 11, 1701 – 1765 married Sarah Hooker
(64) Sarah born 1739
(65) Daniel bap May 23, 1746 record says he died in early childhood
(14)Samuel Edwards Nov 1, 1702 – 1732 – married Jerusha Pitkin, daughter of William Pitkin
All of the lines from William Edwards have been exhausted up until this point – assumptions being made that the children listed as having died young actually died young and produced no children.
(19)Rev.Jonathan Edwards – colleague pastor of the church in Northampton, Mass, was married to Sarah Pierpont, daughter of Rev James Pierpont, fourth Pastor of the First church of New Haven CT. Jonathan Edwards died at Princeton NY March 22, 1758 in the 55 year of his age.
(73) Sarah born Aug 25, 1728
(80) Jerusha born April 26, 1730 died Feb 14, 1747
(81) Esther born Feb 13, 1732
(82) Mary born April 7, 1734
(83) Lucy born Aug 31, 1736
(84) Timothy born July 25, 1738
(85) Susanna born June 20, 1740
(86) Eunice born May 9, 1743
(87) Jonathan born May 26, 1745
(88) Elizabeth born May 6, 1747
(89) Pierpont born April 8, 1750
(84) Timothy Edwards of Elizabethtown< NJ until 1771 and after that Stockbridge MA was married to Rhoda Ogden daughter of Robert Ogden of Elizabethtown September 25, 1760.
(178) Sarah born July 11, 1761
(179) Edward born Jan 20, 1763 Elizabethtown married Mary
(180) Jonathan born Oct 16, 1764 Married Lucy Woodbridge
(181) Richard born March 5, 1764
(182) Phebe born Nov 1768
(183) William born Nov 11, 1770 Died suddenly Brooklyn NY
(184) Robert Ogden born Sept 30, 1772